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Thursday, January 21, 2010

i had been long time din come for a post, think should be after i lost my laptop ba... many things happened, everyday life was so pack and my life never get bored... that's lots of thing i wanna share but by this limiyed time, impossible for me to state out one by one.

First of all, entering second sememester was totally different story. my timetable seemed to start at late morning til evening. everyday rushing for class, due to the stupid, and little frequency of bus. as usual, malaysia public transport is always a big problem...

During the athlete camp, i din went bek home so joined my badminton coach, greg, went to melacca and had my christmas dere. quite speacial, at least not as usual stay at home and zzz... haha

Erm, SUKMUM is coming too, basketball competition is around the corner, too bad i wasn't choosen as the first 5 players. everyday training hard till my shoe wore off. until now, all games of 8th college representative din manage to get into semi-final. what a sad case. reali hope that girl's team basketball can get into it. we reali train hard for it. i scarified everything for it, not enough sleep, injuries, but stil loving it so much and shall give up of it.

This sememster, i joined 8th college angpau festival. it was my reali big mistake to join it. having a (i also dunno how to discribe her) head, was my nightmare began. never a thing she did i was satisfied with, always had arguement with her, and she just changed my designed poster which spent my three sleepless night to complete it, but she just edit it without informing me. i also can felt that she dun like me, neither i. just hope that this event can pass as fast sa possible. whether it success oa not is non of my business.

Having training and organizing an event at the same time really killing me. sacrified lots of sleeping time and my studies but ended up i wasn't happy of it, then what was the point being so suffering? i swear to myself never involve in any CC activities. they being so undemocratic, then end of the story.

I went for the interview for ptum, so i'll be the publicity exce next sememster. Publicity again! at least i was haapy and really learn from the activities. pray that it wun affect my studies. i wanna get into dean list, which i nearly got it in the first sememster, what a great disappointment man... haiz

Pray for the best! what challeges and unhappy stuffs today will bring a stronger and toughter me tommorrow.

the world will turn WILD.
3:06 AM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I wanna go for blogging since dunno when just that always cant find the time for it… times passed so fast, this was my 3rd month in UM, so many things happened till I dun even have enough time to sleep and the exam is around the corner, but my mind was distracted by something else. Sometime really hope that life can be simple and normal, was really tiring hatta undergo all those “surprise” and “excitement” life, I dun mind with it just please gimme time to rest and breath for fresh air.

Today was really a hard, long day… A day for exercise, I had been climbing up and down the stair to the 3rd floor for at least 5 times to search for my academic adviser for the saksi for my JPA scholarship. Then I find out that I missed up a guardian IC to be certified. Run all the way from the HEP which was located at the 2nd floor of another building to my faculty and ended up my academic adviser went out for lunch. Again filled with disappointment and tiredness. Was hoping that I can settled it by today, but only cant blame for my careless and what an unlucky day!

The another sad case was, I was planned to come back to UM during the study week because of wanna study with my friend, but ended up he ffk me as the reason of he wanna have study group with his friends… What was the problem with him, wanted me to accompany him for the whole study week, if cant do it then dun say you want my whole week… I am in the fire now, dun let me see him, or else I shall KILL HIM!!! Hate those guys who only have the mouth saying those empty promises!

The moral of the story is never believe or ever think of rely on guys.

Ps: dunno what happened to my blog, that I cant edit the colour and front size, sorry for the difficult in reading.

the world will turn WILD.
9:54 PM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



the world will turn WILD.
7:28 PM

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last Goodbye

Finally the day had come, wondering should I go to farewell him, my friend just texted me and told me that: “不要让这成为另一个遗憾”. True, this might be the last time seeing him. After the decision I even went to check online to see what is the cheapest rate to reach KLIA. Exciting and worrying about it, excited about this will be my first time going to KLIA and worried will us manage to go there and get back safely. It was kinda expensive and none of us were experience in taking KL transport.
1) Express coach (from RM 10 up to 25)
2) Semi Express is by taking commuter and bus (RM7)
3) Taxi (RM57.80)
4) KLIA express (RM35)
5) KLIA Transit (RM 35)
All was kinda expensive, feel so sorry for my friends who accompany me there.

Right after my class, it was raining heavily, I went to the bus stop and waited for my friends to came out from the hostel. We took a taxi to the station university and took LRT to KL central. Over there we went to search for buses and we manage to find airport coach and spend us for RM18 to and fro, everything was still under our control of budget. The 55 minutes was full of thought was will gonna happen next, we keep sms-ing each other and he had no idea I was on my way to meet him.

Inside the airport was so huge and we kinda get loss inside, exploring and kept taking picture inside like it was a trip and totally forgot what our mission was over there. The best part and also my favorite was the chocolate shop! So many different varieties of chocolate and sweets… a place where I wanna spend my entire time over there, have so many supply of chocolate and yet many brand that I never try before. Chocolate lover hehe…

Then I was so headache of what to buy for him, my friend suggested tie (too expensive), socks ( I felt kinda weird) then at last I bought him a note book and wrote a note inside, hope the book will be useful for him in his new studies life at US. Everything was kinda rush and I only manage to meet him for 10+ minutes. He din expect me to come and I wanted to give him a surprise. The time was so short and I still have lotz of stuff wanna talk to him, he started the conversation, seemed he had let go of the past and when he mum came to urge him time to meet his friend and enter the plane. At that moment I became so nervous and dunno what to say, wanted to take a picture with him but my brain just can’t function and I had no idea what to do. Ended up we just had a good bye hug. My brain became blank and all those wishes unable to come out from my mouth.

Seeing he walk away from me, without turning back, his back moving further and further away from me, I turned too to find my friend. No tears, no feeling just some emptiness that I also dunno what happened to me. I though I’ll feel sad or maybe cry, but seemed that I had control well of my feeling. When to the departing hall, seeing him from another corner hugging with his family saying the last goodbye, then seeing him going down the escalator, hoping he would turn back saw me but he just dun realize I was there. Watching his back become smaller and smaller, I knew that why I dun have any feeling, because my heart had followed him and flied away with him.

He went and my friend gave me hugs telling me not to be sad. I was kinda shock with my steady and emotionless, maybe I was really a cold-blooded animal. I continued shop for my chocolate and taking picture like nothing had happened. No matter how I still felt the coldness and the sadness of the airport. We suppose took the 10.30pm bus to come back to KL central but over-attracted to the chocolate and grudge going back. As the result we took 11:30 bus and reached at midnight and cheated by the taxi driver by charging us RM8 each, and we reach none of us said thank you to the driver. We spent RM 30 for the transport but we reached safely. What an expensive trip and just manage to see him for the 10 minutes, I was scolding him why duwan to come to meet me and yamcha as least can chat for longer, and he told me scared later no topic to chat.

Soon my feeling come back, it was so terrible and no matter what I doing, where am I, my mind was full of his shadow and the memories of stuffs we did together before. I hate the feeling, it was so suffering. Besides missing him I can’t concentrate on my studies. What left behind he left were just the memories and the teddy bear he gave me during valentine. Since the day he departure, he din even tried to contact me, while I was the silly one missing him. Telling myself is time to let go of him and move on with my own life. But when I went for basketball training, I saw a guy in the team who was look alike him from the side view, just that the guy was fatter. I was kinda shock and kept looking at the guy, and I thought the guy also realized that. The moment I wanna forget about him, his shadow appear again, dunno was coincident or just my imaginary.

I had no idea what to do, the more I telling myself not to miss him, the more I suffer and can’t concentrate on what I doing I was just like the soul went off from my body, where my soul when I also dunno. Even chocolate din taste like chocolate anymore, my only medicine was kept sleeping, and it was the only time I freed from any mental suffering. No matter how hard I hide my sadness from other, the hurt inside was always the hardest to cover up. My friend told me that why do I look so pale, but who can I tell I was so pain inside and gonna collapse any moment.

All was my fault that when the flower was blooming I din take good care of it; when it fall off and die, only I started to regret and watering it but it was too late. Now the tree had fall sick.

the world will turn WILD.
7:43 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009

What wrong with changing name, name is just a way of calling someone, a term that you need to respect! From Joycelyn changed to Sherley wasn’t that I change without a reason but still it can become the topic of theirs… I just dun understand they like just wanna spread it and let everyone knows it, just like I had did something and waiting the police come to get me into the jail.

Why did I change? The person told me that the name- joyce will cause me very busy but ended up I wun get any reward for it, and with that name I’ll always under someone and wun be able to become a leader nor success… but with the name given Sherley, I’ll have someone there to help me when I need and able to fulfill my dream and everything shall be going through according to my will… maybe ur not believe of it, but I do so please gimme some respect and privacy and stop announcing “ Do you know that Joyce is no longer Joyce, she had changed to….”

Nothing will remain so I’ll take this as my new life, what is passed let it be a past. From now on I’m Sherley and please do call me that!

the world will turn WILD.
2:00 PM

Thursday, August 20, 2009

High school life was the best, matric life was the best, etc… but we never heard of people saying my life now is the best. Past was past and future is unpredictable! What we really have is NOW! We should appreciate us still able to breath, eat what we like and able to sleep soundly, compared to others we are really far too good that we have everything except being contented. No matter how high you jump, how good you score in the exam or how fast you run; you only found happiness at that moment, human being often think of what they dun have but never satisfied with what you already had. How high you fly, you still will feel tired and home is where the place you can rest and settle down. Contention is the wealth inside us that contribute to the happiness.

Able to study medic is it that important anymore, the viruses are spreading widely all over the world, and the amount of people die due to H1N1 had reached 1713 people and the figure still rising everyday. How many of the patients can really a doctor saved? Doctors aren’t that perfect, they can just help but now saving you from the hand of death god. Maybe I should be grateful getting into the best university in Malaysia, still having the chance to study while people outside there fighting with the disease and hoping for another chance to see tomorrow sunshine.

And yet the natural disasters are happening everywhere, izit really a natural disaster or human’s works? The flow of water was out of control of the earth’s gravitation full, is became unbalance that can be seen through the flood at china and forest’s fire at Australia. How could this be happening? There was once my friend told me about that the calendars of India only until year 2012, 21th of December (21-12-2012) dunno izit just coincident or there is something behind it. While my friend told me symbolized the end of the world, izit true I dunno, and I wasn’t believe at him that time, but now what happening around us making me start to believe as we continue destroying the earth, we’ll get the consequences and it only will took two more years to show us the result. The earth is now giving us forewarning whether the human wanna learn from the mistake or not it depends.

Typhoon at Taiwan, flood at China, while other place having dry season. All happened at the same day, leaf through the newspaper was all about the disasters and the diseases. In the other hand, the Afghan is having war among their people due to the politic voting. When will human start to aware of what that did is wrong and stop those stupid action.

Why are there H1N1 and SARS viruses? If human dun eat meat, dun be greed of eating those wild birds, the viruses wun be able to enter our body and transform to another kind which will harm our life. All was human’s act that as the result harming themselves. Cancer was another result of selfishness and greediness of human being. The invention of chemicals and genetic modified food to the crop and food, in order to get a better yield and crops free from pesticides, without thinking the harm that will bring to the human’s health. As these chemical and GMF enter our body, it effect the brain controlling system and hence it change the genetic information in the cell which cause repetition and the formation of the cancerous cells. Who to blame when problems appeared? How will the problems gonna stop? Only when the earth doesn’t have any existence of human being... Sad to say the most intelligent human who inventing those high technologies try to save people and improving their qualities of life but in other hand they are slowly destroying themselves.

19 August 2009 3:18 pm

the world will turn WILD.
6:18 AM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Finally I manage to donate blood. I missed so many times of the chances to donate blood, till though it was a curse haha.
First time was during matric, that time I was still under age and that day I had bought ticket to go home, missed! Second time was the worst, I had mentally and physically prepared for the blood donation, ate healthier food and vitamin and sleep earlier that night but ended up I had period on that morning, I really wanna cry out, only can see other people donate although I passed all the test (weight, heamoglobin count and blood pressure), my mum told me that maybe was I not suitable to donate blood so my just passed away grandma protecting me…
The third time was Wesak day, but suddenly we found out that my grandma had a fall and entered hospital, no choice we rush back and missed again! Fourth time was my college’s de, so coincidently I having period too… Few day after that, at the uni also having blood donation campaign, when I went there, it closed!

For the sixth time, and finally I make it, after all the obstacles, I manage to donate my blood haha so happy. I went there with lee wei and bee bee. After all the test I passed but they have low blood pressure so the nurses over there advice us to have our lunch first. Ended up I ate too full and cant donate blood scare I’ll vomit, so I walk around and take picture for them and be the last one to donate. In the process, the nurse tied my hand too hard till, my hand no energy to pump and turn white due to no blood flow into my hand …after the adjustment, for the first time I can feel the blood flowing out from my body. So happy can help the others and had the feeling of success. lol
Why would I want to donate blood so much? It is just same as the reason wanna help those who need and maybe due to my grandma was a dialysis patient, always need for blood transfusion. Manage to help others who really in need are always the happiest thing, hope that the patient after receiving my blood can get well soon. This is another way for me to help “my” patient without need to being a doctor.

14 Aug 09

the world will turn WILD.
1:23 PM


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LeeChitYing aka ChungEeLing's WiFe ;)
having my sweet 19th years olds year (:
studying in a university malaya


my LaoGong x3


heart breaker


4eva loving my LaoGong
chocolate factory
mom, dad never ending love


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